Use "he had to say|he have to say" in a sentence

1. 13 He might have had the grace to say he was sorry!

2. [ + to infinitive ] He could at least have had the Courtesy to say sorry

3. He had the effrontery to say I was lying.

4. Given what he had to say, the elegiac essay was the best way to say it.

5. He was provoked by their mockery to say more than he had intended.

6. He took an anguished breath. He had to be brutal and say it.

7. He had the gall to say he was my friend after being so rude to me.

8. / əˈvaʊ / to admit something or say something publicly: [ + that ] He Avowed that he regretted what he had done

9. / əˈvaʊ / to admit something or say something publicly: [ + that ] He Avowed that he regretted what he had done

10. He should have used it to destroy the rebels,’ they say.

11. He is haywire to say that.

12. He was rude to say that.

13. He telephoned to say he couldn't attend the meeting.

14. He had to go to prison for a month, to say nothing of the fine.

15. He had only to say he admired Grace Bird's fortitude and instantly her chin stiffened with resolve.

16. He was unable to say anything that might have extenuated his behaviour.

17. Needless to say, he kept his promise.

18. They're trying to say he... misappropriated money.

19. He always used to laugh and say,

20. What'd he say?

21. He was distant, to say the least.

22. He can't say bo to a goose.

23. He had, I'd say, a negative effect on David's treatment.

24. He won't defend us; he cannot say boo to a goose.

25. A shopkeeper would say he sold footwear; we would say he sold shoes.

26. Paul’s response witnessed of his desire for people to understand absolutely what he had to say.

27. He has experience, to say nothing of scholarship.

28. He doesn't even say "Hi" to me anymore.

29. He a dot to say bashfully: OK now?

30. He has harsh words to say about eclecticism.

31. And she refused to say where he was.

32. They say he used to be her lover.

33. That is to say, he " found a clew. "

34. Charming, idiotic, nonsensical girls, he used to say.

35. He always manages to say the wrong thing.

36. He cast about desperately for something to say.

37. He won't say anything.

38. Didn't he say something?

39. “He refused to say why he was so angry,” explained the father.

40. He looked at Kopyion, loitering as if he wanted to say something.

41. It was he, people say , that had the causeway Bai'Ti built.

42. He say he was going downtown to see about his social security.

43. He didn't dare say what he thought.

44. You should give ear to what he has to say.

45. However he refused to say whether he had Apologised for grabbing her breast while the pair sharing a car together

46. Verily I say unto you What Christ had before said, he proved from a testimony of Scripture; what he was about to say depending on his word, he Asseverates in the most solemn manner:

47. Verily I say unto you What Christ had before said, he proved from a testimony of Scripture; what he was about to say depending on his word, he Asseverates in the most solemn manner:

48. Suppose doctors say that he must have a blood transfusion or he will die.

49. Job admits he has nothing to say (3-5)

50. He is hypersensitive to what people say about him.

51. I am sorry to say,he has packed in.

52. The boy wasn’t Afraid to say what he believed

53. I hasten to say that he is not hurt.

54. The reader wrote in to say he was unconvinced.

55. Believe nothing that he can say to my disfavour.

56. It's nothing to say he wins them for me.

57. I overheard him say he was going to France.

58. Under interrogation, he refused to say anything at first.

59. Which isn't to say he traffics entirely in escapism.

60. He was given carte blanche to say what he liked in the report.

61. He paused, afraid lest he say too much.

62. Verb say sorry, express regret, ask forgiveness, make an apology, beg pardon, say you are sorry He Apologized to those who had been affected

63. They say he has grit.

64. He heard the bailiff say.

65. When did he say he arrived at station?

66. He listened patiently to what we all had to say before putting across an alternative point of view.

67. He always liked to say what was going to be done, he was very domineering.

68. I'd say he was average.

69. Why would he say no?

70. Did he say how long he knew what he was?

71. The normal way is for everyone to say all he knows and say it without reserve.

72. 4 He may say ( boastfully); Wealth have I squandered in abundance!

73. In God's name say what you have to say.

74. Harry kept an open mind when he heard what the Bible had to say on the matter.

75. He braced himself to hear what the boss would say.

76. 16 He was wont to say that children are lazy.

77. I overheard him say/saying he was going to France.

78. He's so nervous he wouldn't say boo to a goose.

79. Anything he wanted to say, he typed up and slipped under my bedroom door.

80. He did not need to say that he envisioned this as a cooperative effort.